Remo Fasani in the SLA

Remo Fasani
Portrait of Remo Fasani
© Yvonne Böhler

Remo Fasani (1922-2011) was born in Mesocco and studied at the teacher training college in Chur and Zurich and Florence universities. His first teaching posts were at the secondary schools of Poschiavo and Roveredo, after which he moved to Chur cantonal school. From 1962 to 1985, he held the chair for Italian language and literature at the University of Neuchâtel. Remo Fasani launched his writing career in 1945 with the collection of poems titled “Senso dell'esilio”, followed over time by other poetic works collated in the complete collection “Le poesie 1945-1986”, with a preface by Giacinto Spagnoletti. Other compilations by Fasani include “A Sils Maria nel mondo” with a preface by Giorgio Luzzi (2000) and “Sogni” (2008). Fasani translated poetry from German and French, for example the collection “Colloqui / Gespräche / Colloques” (conversations) of 2010. The letters he received from Italian poet Cristina Campo were published in the same year. 

Remo Fasani was also a published literary critic between 1950 and 2008, having written articles on Dante’s works, on Manzoni’s “The Betrothed” and Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered”. Aside from an extensive corpus of his academic works, the literary estate shows the author’s attention to history and chronology. Remo Fasani touched on sensitive issues, such as exile, solitude and the environment in his writings.

Last modification 10.01.2023

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