Agota Kristof in the SLA

Agota Kristof
Couverture du Quarto 27 (2009) avec un portrait de Agota Kristof par Jean-Pierre Treuthardt

Agota Kristof was born in Csikvánd, Hungary in 1935. In 1956 she and her husband fled the invading Soviet troops and settled in Neuchâtel, an exile and “illiterate” in the new language of her new life. While working in a factory she learnt French, which became the language of choice for her writing. Between 1986 and 1991 she published the “Trilogie des jumeaux (Le Grand Cahier/The Notebook, La Preuve/The Proof and Le Troisième Mensonge/The Third Lie)”, a hugely successful novel trilogy that has been translated into almost 40 languages. A writer of plays and poems, she also penned autobiographical works such as “Hier” (“Yesterday”, 1995) and “L’Analphabète” (“The Illiterate”, 2004).

Last modification 07.12.2018

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