Web Archive Switzerland: Workshop 2015

Web Archive Switzerland Workshop 2015, Swiss National Library, 25.11.2015

A one-day workshop around the theme Web Archive Switzerland, to which the members of Web Archive Switzerland were invited, took place on the 25th of November 2015 in the Swiss National Library. The workshop was intended for the operational representatives of the partner institutions of Web Archive Switzerland, namely the persons in charge, in the partner institutions, of selecting and announcing web sites for Web Archive Switzerland.

The 30 partner institutions of Web Archive Switzerland were represented. 42 people in total took part in the workshop, of which 5 people of the National Library Web Archive team.

This event had two main objectives:

  • The participants are informed of the work progress of Web Archive Switzerland and have an overview of the different activities (research and harvesting).
  • The participants share the positive and negative experiences they had regarding Web Archive Switzerland. They bring some suggestions for improvement during the team works.
Both objectives were met.

Programme and list of participants (in German)

Presentations (in German)

Barbara Signori, head of the e-Helvetica service and head of Web Archive Switzerland, presented the actual progress of the works of, collection, acquisition, preservation and provision of web sites, as well as the perspectives of each of these fields.

Maya Bangerter, co-worker at the Digital Archiving service and head of the application e-Helvetica Access, explained the characteristics of the access system and showed some tips and tricks for the research in the Web archive.

Miriam Dubi, co-worker at the Digital Archiving service and harvesting specialist for Web Archive Switzerland, exposed the works necessary for the web sites collection. She also gave a demonstration of the new automatic procedure for the quality management of the copies collected.

During the lunch break, after the workshop, Barbara Signori showed the persons who were interested the solution SiteKiosk that the National Library installed in the information room. This software allows a controlled access to protected contents (for example Web Archive Switzerland web sites or audio files in the Sound Archives) from all workstations in the public room of the National Library.

Group Work

The group work was divided into three parts:

Part 1: Overview Plus/Delta
Part 2: In-depth Study Plus/Delta
Part 3: Conclusion Plus/Delta

The results of the group work are enumerated and resumed in the document.


At the end of the day, the workshop was evaluated as follows on a scale going from 0 (my expectations were not at all met) to 10 (my expectations were exceeded).

Application of the suggestions for improvement

Plan of the application of the suggestions for improvement

Last modification 02.03.2016

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