Insights – outlooks 2014

If you spend your days working among literary estates and archives, you’re bound to stumble on the occasional undiscovered gem. In “Insights – outlooks 2014”, staff of the Swiss Literary Archives (SLA) delve into the collections and reveal some of their most interesting and attractive finds.

Roland Jaccard

Le penseur et le dandy

Annemarie Schwarzenbach

Gestreifte Wäsche ohne Gitterstäbe
© Simon Schmid

Alberto Nessi

Dal Ticino a Lisbona, ogni piede vorrebbe essere ala

Ammann Verlag / Thorsten Becker

Reise(s)pass im Verlagsarchiv

Pierre Jean Jouve

Août 1916 : virée en Suisse en automobile

Aus dem ARCHE Verlagsarchiv

Hackenfratzers «Anästhetische Gedanken»

Gian Fontana

Poesias sco musica

Jörg Steiner – Aglaja Veteranyi

Luftpost aus Zürich
Ein Gruss von Aglaja Veteranyi an Jörg Steiner

Last modification 15.12.2014

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