Web Archive Switzerland: 2006 Conference

Long-term availability of digital publications in Swiss patrimonial libraries – Web Archive Switzerland

Conference held on February 22nd 2006 at the Swiss National Library in Bern

In order to promote collaboration between the Swiss National Library (NL) and cantonal libraries, a first conference was organised on November 19th, 2003 with directors of cantonal libraries around the theme «Long-term availability of digital publications in Swiss patrimonial libraries – rising to the challenge together». As a result of this conference, the NL was given the mandate to undertake a feasibility study to examine the possibilities of collaboration between cantonal libraries and the NL.

The study on the collaboration with cantonal libraries for setting up a collection of web sites was presented at a conference on November 10th 2004 whose theme was «Long-term availability of digital publications in Swiss patrimonial libraries – cooperation». This study developed a model for the identification and harvesting of important patrimonial web sites and enumerated possible alternatives in the area of collaboration between cantonal libraries and the NL.

The necessity for collaboration was agreed upon at the November 10th 2004 conference and it resulted in a new mandate for the NL which was to determine, on the part of all cantonal libraries, which libraries wanted to participate in a pilot project to determine the conceptual framework for the organisation and the collaboration between the partners to set up a common collection of online patrimonial Helvetica and consequently start the process.

The collaboration model was designed by the pilot project group Web Archive Switzerland in 2005/2006 and submitted to the directors of cantonal libraries at the February 22nd 2006 conference held at the NL in Bern around the theme: «Long-term availability of digital publications in Swiss patrimonial libraries – Web Archive Switzerland».

Collaboration model

The concept describes the origin, the context, the organisation and the content of the collaboration model between Swiss cantonal libraries and the NL concerning the creation of a common collection of important patrimonial web sites. The information sheets Collect, List, Archiving and Access as well as the Glossary are important elements of the concept; they contain instructions, recommendations and information concerning the procedures to be followed.
The decision to enact the propositions of the pilot project group Web Archive Switzerland was based on the concept and the information sheets.

Last modification 22.02.2006

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