Self-Service Photography at the SLA
The use of private copying and recording equipment is only permitted after prior approval by the SLA.
Please complete and submit the application below.
- Items that are not protected by intellectual property laws can normally be photographed. The copyright expires 70 years after the death of the author.
- If an item is still in copyright, it can only be photographed with the written permission of the copyright owner. The letter of consent must be submitted to the SLA.
- In the case of letters, the user is also responsible for obtaining any necessary permission from both the person(s) mentioned and the person(s) receiving the letter. The letter of consent must be submitted to the SLA.
- In the case of portraits, the user is also responsible for any necessary consent of the person(s) portrayed. The letter of consent must be submitted to the SLA.- Camera flash must be turned off.
- The photographs may only be used as working copies and for personal use and cannot be further distributed (e.g. by e-mail, on websites, publications of any kind, including university theses).
- The Swiss National Library is entitled to restrict or refuse the use of private copying and recording devices for reasons of conservation, copyright, personal rights or during the internal processing of the collections.
- The directives on the use of the Swiss National Library are applicable to the present authorisation and are binding for the user.
Please note that only forms with complete and valid information can be considered.
* mandatory fields