Publications of the SLA

Image de couverture utilisant une photographie d’Yvonne Böhler


“Passim”, the bulletin of the Swiss Literary Archives, is published twice a year and contains a dossier on a particular topic as well as information on current activities and events.
bulletin starobinski 16 2023

Bulletin Starobinski

Les ALS font paraître chaque année en automne un numéro du «Bulletin du Cercle d’études internationales Jean Starobinski» comprenant des articles de chercheurs, des actualités sur le fonds et différentes chroniques.
Quarto 53


“Quarto”, the journal of the Swiss Literary Archives, is published once or twice a year. It presents the work of writers through pictures of archival materials, author texts and critical essays.
Cla Biert: Raquints


Here you will find a list of the editions that have been published so far.
«Paperworks», Irmgard M. Wirtz und Magnus Wieland (Hrsg.), Göttingen/Zürich, Wallstein und Chronos, 2017


Here you will find a list of the anthologies that have been published so far.
Duerrenmatt Wirklichkeit als Fiktion

Individual publications of the SLA

In association with various partners, the Swiss Literary Archives publish collective works on topics addressed in conferences and research projects as well as editions of texts from their holdings.
Hohl Berichte

Monographies concernant les fonds conservés aux ALS

Choix d’études, biographies, éditions critiques et éditions de correspondance de chercheurs concernant les fonds d’archives conservés aux ALS. Les auteurs des travaux sont responsables des propos tenus.


Swiss National Library
Swiss Literary Archives
Hallwylstrasse 15
3003 Bern
Phone +41 58 462 92 58
Fax +41 58 462 84 08

Print contact