Web Archive Switzerland: Workshop 2012

Workshop «Web archive Switzerland : access, OAI-PMH and exchange of experience»

Workshop, 20th April 2012, Swiss National Library, Bern

The workshop was aimed at the technical contacts of partner institutions of Web Archive Switzerland, i.e. the people who select and announce web sites to Web Archive Switzerland

In the first part of the workshop, e-Helvetica Access – the National Library’s access system for its digital collections – was presented, with particular emphasis on the advanced full text search option for Web Archive Switzerland. Following this, participants were instructed on how to configure the infostations in the partner libraries so that Web Archive Switzerland is available to be searched on site. OAI-PMH requests may be made to e-Helvetica Access to extract and re-import an institution’s own metadata into the local catalogue. A demonstration showed how to do this.

In the second part of the workshop, participants were able to exchange their experience in selecting and announcing web sites. The NL emphasized once more the most important points to respect when entering data about web sites. Participants were also invited to ask questions and indicate their wishes for improvements.

Programme and list of participants (in German)

Presentations (in German)

More on this topic

Information sheets Web Archive Switzerland see under:

Last modification 20.04.2012

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