Archives of the New Helvetic Society

Auszug aus dem Aktenbündel zur «NHG Gruppensitzung» der Ortsgruppe Bern
“Réforme nationale” by G. de Reynold. Typescript from the files of the NHS group in Bern.
© NL, Nuria Marti

At the outbreak of the First World War, liberal values in Switzerland were in jeopardy. Since 1914, the New Helvetic Society (NHS) has therefore worked to promote national cohesion on the basis of democracy and the rule of law.

Content and scope

The NHS archives contain documentation mostly from the central presidency:

  • Correspondence, minutes, membership lists, press cuttings, documents relating to annuals and inventory lists
  • Files from the NHS’s foundation period (1911–1920)
  • Documents from the years 1916–1984 and 1940–1992 that were acquired in two consignments from the Vadiana library in St. Gallen and the Stapferhaus, Lenzburg Castle
  • Documentation collected from the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the NHS and its regional committees from the years 1993–2000 and 2004–2011

Collection principles

The archives document the NHS’s work promoting peace within Switzerland and its numerous relations to political and cultural issues of national interest.

Research and access

  • As the archives have only been partially catalogued, access is subject to restrictions.
  • The NHS in the HelveticArchives database
  • You can consult the archives in the online library catalogue Helveticat.

Last modification 31.01.2019

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