Gems from the collections

Aarebad Marzili

In search of…

The NL’s research services receive questions from users on a daily basis. “In search of…” presents the sometimes adventurous searches for clues and answers.
Gonthier Arene

Visual treasures

A look through archives of historic monuments, art, photos, prints, drawings and posters often reveals unseen delights. “Visual treasures” shows our best finds.

Insights – outlooks

In the “Insights – outlooks” section, staff of the Literary Archives delve into the collections and reveal some of their most interesting and attractive finds.

My Swiss treasure

The Swiss National Library: over 5 million documents from and about Switzerland, and around 180 employees. Members of staff reveal some of their favourite things and the reasons for choosing their very own “Swiss treasure”!
Gabriel Lory "Fils", Vue de la Ville de Neuchâtel, en Suisse, Aquarell, 1817, Signatur: GS-GUGE-LORY-A-13 virtual showcase

On the website you can explore the art of the 18th- and 19th-century Schweizer Kleinmeister and discover their sometimes realistic, sometimes idealised record of Switzerland at the time.