The Gotthard in historiography

Aloys Schulte, Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Handels und Verkehrs zwischen Westdeutschland und Italien mit Ausschluss von Venedig, 2 Bde., Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1900. Page de couverture.

1900. Aloys Schulte: laying the foundations

In his treatise on economic history, written in 1900, Aloys Schulte concludes that the Gotthard was an important trade route in the Middle Ages and favoured the establishment of the Swiss Confederation.
Image prétexte : le magasin souterrain de la BN. Pour des questions de droits d’auteur, nous ne pouvons pas reproduire la publication. Photo : Marco Schibig © Office fédéral des constructions et de la logistique

1948. Gonzague de Reynold: the metaphysical dimension

Gonzague de Reynold adds to the legend of the Gotthard, writing that he sees it as the cradle of Europe and its Christian and cultural values. These notions shape the country’s spiritual defence during the Second World War.
Jean-Francois Bergier (Ed.): Geschichte der Alpen in neuer Sicht, Bâle, Schwabe, 1979. Page de titre.

1979. Fritz Glauser: the Gotthard as transport axis – a reassessment

In his contribution to “Geschichte der Alpen in neuer Sicht” in 1979, Fritz Glauser examines the volumes of traffic passing across the Alps in the Middle Ages. His observations play down the economic importance of the Gotthard.
Judith Schueler, Materialising identity: The co-construction of the Gotthard Railway and Swiss national identity, Amsterdam, Aksant, 2008. Page de titre.

2008. Judith Schueler: the importance of rail

Judith Schueler investigates the Gotthard Railway’s influence on the Swiss national identity. The public image of the rail line through the Gotthard was overwhelmingly positive in the middle of the 20th century, whereas reactions had been mixed in 1882.
Boris Previšić (Ed.), Gotthardfantasien. Eine Blütenlese aus Wissenschaft und Literatur, Baden, hier und jetzt, 2016. Photo de couverture.

2016. Boris Previšić: the narrative potential

Literature professor Boris Previšić’s book “Gotthardfantasien” (Gotthard Fantasies) is a collection of studies focusing on various aspects of the Gotthard. The legend of the Gotthard is deconstructed, but the story is far from over.